Thursday, November 15, 2012


All day Tuesday I was feeling great, went to the gym, came home, had some dinner with B. Then all of a sudden I started getting a sore throat and feeling all ache-ey... so I took some Nyquill and went to bed. Welp woke up Wednesday with a killer sore throat and feeling super crummy! Headache, nose stuffed up, body aches. I remembered hearing how lemon juice, honey, and hot water was supposedly good for sore throats, so I mixed up a batch and let me tell you, it was a miracle. I drank a mug full and my throat felt SOOOOO much better! I don't really understand why, it was killing me hurting so bad to swallow, and then boom, it was just a little dry/scratchy feeling. I HIGHLY reccommend it if you get a sore throat.
*I just did like half a lemon's juice, and added honey till it tasted yummy. It's actually super good!

I went with Brandon to run some errands on Wednesday because I stayed home from work, and he bought me this lil succulent to make me feel better. :) Also he got me a maple butter cream doughnut from Harmon's but that didn't stick around long enough for a picture...
*I'm wearing these arm warmers in this pic in case you were wondering, I kind of wear them everyday. They keep my frigid hands warm but don't obstruct my fingers.

I really feel like pets can tell when you don't feel good. Kittykins would NOT leave me alone, trying to climb on me and sit on me whenever possible. She was such a little cuddler, it definitely made me feel a little better. :)
 In other news...

Brandon helped our sweet neighbor ladies bring in their groceries the other night and they brought over these as a reward! I told him he should help them whenever possible if this is what we get...

Also discovered these at F21 recently, studded leggings for $14.80? Made my day. The fit is a little weird, I got an XS and they were still a little big around the waist (I'm not an XS, FYI so the sizing is weird). But they are still great.
Link is here if you want to buy them online.

Aaaand at my work we recently moved our offices/warehouse to a new location. The day we had to do it, this is what it looked like:

 Luckily I got to cover the phones with my space heater in a corner while everyone else froze their buns off moving boxes all day.

Welp I'm back at work today, feeling slightly better and actually liking our new offices and my desk location, but now I need to decorate it! More on that soon...

1 comment:

RHulsey said...

I do love lemon and Honey. I also gargle warm salt water when I start getting a sore throat. It seems to help, but it makes Aaron gag. I am glad you are feeling better.