Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Apple Fest 2012

No, it's not a local festival devoted to apples, it is what is going on in my apartment the last few days since Brandon and I discovered 2 apple trees in our neighborhood. Nobody seems to own them, so we went harvesting Sunday night and came home with 2 big bags full. Sunday night we made Cinnamon Streusel Baked Apples and Apple Cinnamon muffins and let me tell you, they were GOOD. 


Seriously you need to go make these muffins asap. Brandon didn't want big apple chunks so he cut up the apples but then put them in the Blendtec and pulsed a few times so they were small pieces, it was perfect. Next time I'll try a cup of applesauce instead of oil and less sugar, but they seriously were so yummy.

On Saturday I went on a nice rollerblading adventure on my roller blades I got for my birthday.  When I was young I was just fearless on my blades, I could seriously do anything and falling wasn't even an option. Well I need to practice because I almost fell so many times. The roller blades are kind of flexible so I think that has something to do with it, but I also just need to practice. We live right next to the Provo River trailway so I did that and then explored a little bit. Made some cow friends, saw some bugs, almost ran over a snake, saw a bunch of fish. Utah is so diverse I just love it, and the weather was 100% perfect.

 Baby cow wasn't very hungry I guess...

 They would just come over and stare at me, they were so cute.

 I told em to line up, they obeyed so well...

 HUGE gnarly praying mantis calmly eating a grasshopper creature in the middle of the road. It was pretty creepy he just kept looking over at me. Had he jumped on me or something I'm positive I would have died of a heart attack, he was pretty terrifying.

Oh and in case you though the Provo river didn't have much fish in it along that trail in south Provo, you'd be wrong. I saw SO many schools! White bass I think...

Obligatory Kittykins pictures, she was playing in the couch and got tired, and then I was trying to take a nice picture of her face and she decided to lunge at my phone as I took the picture, she's still such a cutie though.

AND more Apple Fest 2012, last night I decided to try my hand at Homemade Applesauce, turns out it's the easiest ever! 

I used about 5 apples, 4 T sugar, 3/4 c. water, and 2 t. cinnamon. Simmer for about 15-20 minutes till apples are tender, blend up (I used my Blendtec) and EAT. I could have even used less sugar, or maybe splenda or something, it was sooo tasty, rest assured I'll be making much more.

As Apple Fest continues I'm sure I'll be posting more on our apple recipe adventures... stay tuned!

P.S. Also does anyone have any great apple recipes?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are the cutest! Thanks for your sweet comment... we totally know each other! I was reading your blog, and we practically have the same birthday (mine is the 10th), so it's like FATE that we should be better friends! :)