Wednesday, January 30, 2013

January Recap

It feels crazy that it's 2013, and even crazier that it's almost FEBRUARY 2013. 
Here is our January in review...

Celebrated our friend Dave's birthday:

His wife Amber got those candles in France, why in the world don't we have them here?! They're amazing. The fire alarm may have gone off.

Did some green smoothie making:

And tried to be healthy:

Left: Whole wheat pasta/zuchinni pasta with sundried tomatoes, feta, and creamy vodka sauce. 
Right: Lettuce "tacos".

Oh and we're obsessed with pears lately, get the $5 something bag at Costco, Danjou I believe? YUM.
 (No joke I'm eating one as I type this)

Then didn't try to be healthy:

(Harmon's maple buttercream doughnut)

Sunday was time for homemade waffles via the "Martha Stewart Waffles" recipe in the family cookbook. They were PERFECT. Some crunch on the outside, soft on the inside. Mmmmm.

(Spicy Thai, we're pretty much regulars)

Went and visited Aubrey & Andrew and the kiddos:

We went to lunch at Brio and played and played. It was delicious AND fun. :)

Played "Jedi's" in the fog:

All you need is a laser pointer, a ton of fog, and an imagination. We drove out to Utah Lake and tried to see how far away we could see the laser. Answer? REALLY far.
 Couldn't see 30 feet in front of the car it was so foggy!

Then after the fog it SNOWED.

Still snowing actually. Driving is terrifying, I slide around like a hockey puck in my car (I need new tires). Brandon acts un-phased by it, while I drive to work and don't leave till 5 and go straight home because I get nervous. 
Not actually nervous I'll hit someone, more nervous someone will hit me. 
ALSO excited about the snow though because it makes me want to go sledding and/or skiing SO BAD.
We will soon I'm sure.
Also making me VERY aware of my lack of ownership of a big puffy coat and Sorel (or similar) boots.
 Might need to remedy that soon.

And in general, took WAY too many pictures of Kittykins:

I was petting her but then I stopped, and she stayed in this position hoping against hope I would start petting her again. 

 I like to wrap her in blankets sometimes, I think it's cute...

 Brandon was napping on the couch and I walk in to find her right up against his legs curled up like this. 

 Just being a weirdo in general with her leg straight up in the air staring at me.

Sitting watching TV with me, and again, wrapping her in blankets because I think it's cute.

We spent a good 45 minutes playing with her on Saturday morning, that's normal right? 
I can't help it, we're obsessed with her.

Not pictured:
-Played lots of Fruit Ninja with Dave & Amber on the Kinect (my arms are still sore)
-Saw Life of Pi, it was good we both liked it
-Oreos were on sale for $1.99 at Winco yesterday, so my day was essentially made
-I worked, Brandon went to school, both are going well!

Now on to FEBRUARY
Looking forward to Valentines Day, sledding, skiing and hanging out with Brandon's friends Daniel & Valerie and their little girl, and whatever else February brings our way!

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