Thursday, January 10, 2013

Basic Green Smoothie

Well we got our Blendtec back from Vegas, we accidentally left it there when we were there for Christmas but luckily a friend of mine so graciously drove it back to Utah for me so we could resume our healthy, green smoothie endeavors. Lately I've been bagging up my smoothie ingredients in advance, and then in the morning I just throw it in the blender, add liquid, ice, blend and I'm ready to go. 

(not my picture)

Here's my basic recipe I used today:

Approx. 1c, (1 handful) Spinach
2 Baby Carrots
2 Strawberries (thawed out, I buy the frozen ones but I like to thaw them out to release more of the flavor before I blend them)
1 Banana
1/3 of a small Apple
1/3 of a small Orange
a little Agave
about 1-2 T. Chia Seeds
I put that in the blender then add liquid and then blend till its all combined. Lately I've been using water or 1% milk because it's all I have on hand, but I prefer coconut water or a juice like orange juice. I am going to try homemade almond milk soon though so stay tuned for that! After that's all combined I add ice. I like mine to be thinner, more juice like I guess, but you could certainly freeze all the ingredients, then add liquid and blend and make it more smoothie consistency.

Other things I like to add:
Coconut Water
Orange Juice

I'm on day 2 and already feeling more energy and healthier! 


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